Saturday, September 8, 2018

ITL 608 Learning Map Scavenger Hunt

¡Learning map scavenger hunt 
¡Jessica Kuiper
¡Professor Comer
¡Student & teacher characteristics
¡In the GIST assignment, students need to have the ability to effectively use a computer and self-monitor when necessary. 
¡Attack on Pearl Harbor lesson plan is targeted for grades 3-5.
¡Student reading levels vary from K-7thgrade. (5thGrade Literacy Lesson) There are students who understand Latin/Greek roots, and there are students who have not been introduced to this concept before. 5 students have moderate attention issues which cause them to miss information. ELL students in the class struggle with tier 2-tier 3 vocabulary.  The class has 29 students, and as a whole, the class loves to talk. The more advanced students in the class are willing to help their classmates. 
¡In the GIST lesson plan, the goal is for the students to be able to successfully complete a GIST template on their own, using information they learned from the lesson plan.
¡Attack on Pearl Harbor lesson plan- students will be able to use primary sources for research purposes, understanding different view points, and produce a response to literature. (A.P.H Lesson Plan)
¡Students are able to use context clues, Latin/Greek affixes, and reference materials to determine the meaning of words. (5thGrade Literacy Lesson)
¡Objectives and learning outcomes
¡GIST assignment- the students can successfully complete a GIST template with given information. 
¡Attack on Pearl Harbor lesson plan- students will be able to use primary sources for research purposes, understanding different view points, and produce a response to literature. (A.P.H Lesson Plan)
¡Use context to derive meaning of a word, knowledge of Greek and Latin affixes, ability to use references materials. (5thgrade Literacy Learning Plan)
¡Instructional strategies
¡In the GIST lesson plan, the teacher observes students throughout the process, and has the student repeat steps as necessary. The teacher looks for input from students, and encourages students to speak out about the assignment.
¡Attack on Pearl Harbor lesson plan asks the teacher to take the students for an observation walk in their neighborhood, and describe what they see in full detail.
¡A flip book with words and information is given to the students, pictures or videos can be added to the flipbook to students with IEPs. Games can also be used to reinforce the material. (5thGrade Literacy Lesson)
¡Methods and activities 
¡In the GIST lesson plan, it is recommended that the teacher use an overhead so all students can participate together. (Session 1)
¡Give students an opportunity to work on the GIST assignment by themselves, and come back to share answers together as a whole class. (Session 1)
¡Have the students work in partners on the GIST assignment. (Session 2)
¡Students work on GIST computer assignment. (Session 3)
¡In session 4, the students work independently on their GIST project. 
¡Session 5, students apply their knowledge of GIST in their own project. 
¡In the Attack of Pearl Harbor lesson plan, students participate in an observation walk and share their eye witness account. Students choose an eyewitness, students take notes on important ideas from the book, students tell an eyewitness account as the eyewitness spectacle they picked, give the students time to review and edit their eyewitness accounts.
¡Games, class discussions, flash cards can be used to reinforce information. Class groups can be used. (5thGrade Literacy Lesson)
¡Assessment and management of learning 
¡The teacher is told to repeat session 2 of the GIST assignment if they feel the students have not mastered the material.
¡In session 4 of the GIST assignment, the teacher is told to assess the independent work of the students, if they are not ready, the student is told to repeat session 4.
¡The teacher can assess the GIST assignment based on how the who, where, what, why and how questions are answered and organized. 
¡Students can assess themselves and other members of the class in the GIST assignment. 
¡Students share what they learned on the observation walk, which will be connected into the Attack on Peal Harbor assignment. 
¡The teacher presents a Quizletthat will assess student’s learning progress from the previous day. The teacher holds discussions on affixes to gauge the comprehension levels of students. A pretest can be given on Quizletto determine the starting point for students. (5thGrade Literacy Lesson)
¡The GIST assignment lesson plan identifies all 6 areas of the learning plan map, except for an in depth description of the students and teacher characteristics. It would be helpful to know the backgrounds of the students and the teacher. (Does the teacher accurately explain the material, do students know how to use computers. ETC.) The lesson plan does include the goals and learning objectives, and a teacher can relate this assignment to a variety of different subjects.  The lesson plan does include instructional strategies, and informs the teacher to have students repeat steps until they understand before moving to the next step. The lesson plan includes assessment strategies for the teacher, and what the teacher should look for. Lastly, the teacher is given an in depth description of the activities.
¡The Attack on Pearl Harbor lesson plan specifies the activity is for students in grades 3-5. Students will learn how to use primary sources, create a responses to literature, and enhance their ability to distinguish varying viewpoints. The lesson plan gives instruction on the observation walk and the eyewitness account assignment, and outlines the activity in detail.
¡The 5thGrade Literacy Lesson would be beneficial to students who speak English fluency. ELL students struggled with this assignment, and students with attention disorders would not be able to maintain focus. This assignment is detailed in the goals, learning objectives, methods of teaching, assessment, and instructional strategies that would be used and implemented. The lesson also gave specific characteristics of the class and teacher. However, the assignment as a whole is too advanced for students who are not proficient in the English language. 
¡In regards to the GIST assignment and the Attack on Pearl Harbor assignment, The A.P.H. includes a warm up activity that prepares the student’s brains to think like an eye witness. This will be beneficial to the students when doing their eyewitness activity.
¡The Attack on Pearl Harbor lesson has less steps and can be understood easier by students than the GIST assignment. The Pearl Harbor assignment would be more engaging and students would be able to tap into their imaginative side of learning. 
¡Of the 3 lesson plans, the 5thGrade Literacy Lesson provided the most detail and back ground knowledge of the students and class as a whole. However, there were many factors that led to this assignment not being successful. The teacher had several students who were ELL or had attention disorders, and that affected their ability to perform this assignment. 
¡The Attack on Pearl Harbor lesson plan would head the best results, and maintain the attention of students. 
¡Outcomes and suggestions 
¡For the GIST assignment, the outcomes will vary depending on the age group completing the activity. Younger students may not grasp the material entirely, as compared to older students who will benefit more from this assignment. I would suggest the teacher spend several days on this assignment as it incorporates many different tasks for the students to complete. 
¡The Attack on Pearl Harbor lesson plan includes a warm up observation walk to start off the assignment. This is a great benefit to the students in getting them to think like an eyewitness. I believe this assignment would be successful in the classroom. The student is able to use their knowledge of the subject and eyewitness they picked, and apply that to the lesson. This gives the students the opportunity to abstract think and use information in a non-black and white manor. My suggestion for this lesson would be to have students conduct an assignment where they are thinking of as a different person prior to conducting this assignment. 
¡For the 5thGrade Literacy Lesson, it is evident that several students were too far below the proficiency standards to successfully complete the activity. The teacher should have included modified activities for ELL students, and students with attention disorders as the assignment was above their performance level. In the future it would be beneficial for the teacher to have previously assessed student comprehension levels, so that he/she could have the modified activity ready for each individual student. 

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