Thursday, November 15, 2018

ITL 512 Learning Map Part 3

Teacher: _______Ms. Kuiper______________________________________                                        
Grade: ______________________6th_________________________
CCSS Standard: _____CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.5.3

What evidence of student learning have you collected?

I collected the Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes worksheet that we had worked on in small and whole group settings. I also collected the exit ticket at the door to see what students had learned from the lesson.

How will you analyze this evidence?

I reviewed the answers students wrote in comparison to what we went over in class. I also reviewed what students wrote for their exit tickets, which was something ne they learned from the lesson.

What instructional decisions can you make as a result of your analysis of the evidence?

Overall, the class did well on the worksheet, and had various answers for what they learned from the lesson. In the future, I need to use more visual aids to help students, along with more kinesthetic aids for students to use. This will help students remained focused, and ensure students have an inclusive learning environment.

My Personal Reflection:
What new information did I get about my students in relation to their learning preferences?

The students in Mrs. Kuiper’s class benefited from visual aids. After reviewing the worksheet I collected, most students missed answers I gave verbally, but wrote the correct answers for the ones I wrote on the board. Towards the end of class, students started to get antsy, and a few students said they were bored with the assignment.

How will I use this information to plan my future instruction?

In the future, I will use more visual and kinesthetic teaching aids in the classroom to maintain focus, and ensure each student understands the material. I will also give students ‘brain breaks’ so they are not overwhelmed with the material, and remain engaged in the lesson.

How effective were my practices? What will I keep, what will I improve and what will I discard?

My lesson was strong in the sense that I kept students engaged in the class; students were paying attention and focused. I need to improve with visual, kinesthetic and auditory aids for students so each type of learner is able to express themselves during the lesson.

What new understanding do I have about my own teaching practices?

After watching the recording of the lesson, I saw that I mainly used auditory components to incorporate into my lesson. This is something I will need to work on in the future. Overall, I believe my lesson was strong and students enjoyed what I had planned

What have I learned about myself as a teacher?

I was confident in myself during the lesson, but I still struggle breaking the ice with students in the beginning of the class. This is something I will continue to work on in future lessons. I was comfortable with my stage presence, and enjoyed my lesson.

As a professional learner, where do I need to continue to grow and strive for?

I will continue to incorporate a variety of teaching strategies into my lessons, and strive to meet the needs of each type of learner in the classroom. I need to incorporate more visual aids in my lessons, and include kinesthetic units for students, as well. As a learner, I need to research different classroom management styles, to create the most inclusive learning environment for my students.

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