Monday, March 4, 2019

ITL 530 Safe Schools Project
Cyberbullying is an epidemic that continues to sweep across the nation, and other parts of the world. Though there have been organizations and agencies created to lessen the amount of cyberbullying attacks, the issue still remains. For this assignment, I have chosen to focus my presentation on cyberbullying: what can be done in the school to help lower the amount of students being cyberbullied, as well as informing students on what cyberbullying is.
The first slide details what cyberbullying is, listing examples for students. This is important, as students may be unaware that they are being cyberbullied, or that they might be the cyberbully. Students gain knowledge on cyberbullying, and will be better suited to identify when cyberbullying is occurring in the future.
            The second slide explains the effects of cyberbullying. Anxiety, depression, and suicide are the listed long lasting effects of cyberbullying. It is important for students to understand they are not alone, and to seek help if they feel they are a victim of cyberbullying. I’ve included this slide to inform students who may be cyberbullies that their actions have long lasting effects on their peers.
            The third slide informs students of current cyberbullying statistics. This shows students that they are not alone in this fight, and that there are other students experiencing the same trauma, and that reporting the incident is the most beneficial action. As outlined in the slide, only 1 out of 10 students report the online abuse they face, meaning 9 students are suffering without an adult aware of the situation. I’ve added this statistic in hopes of encouraging students to reach out to an adult if they are being bullied online.
            The fourth slide is a link to Amanda Todd’s story. Amanda Todd was a teenager who committed suicide due to cyberbullying. This story puts a face behind the victims of cyberbullying, and enlightens students on Amanda Todd’s story. This video shows students how vicious cyberbullying can be, and urges them to seek help in this type of situation.
            The fifth slide gives students an opportunity to create a cyberbully skit. Students showcase a cyberbully attack, and what the victim can do in this situation. Students will become more aware of cyberbullying, and can identify how to respond to the situation.
            The sixth slide showcases ways we can put a stop to cyberbullying. Students, parents, and teachers must work together to create a world without cyberbullying. I’ve included only a few tips and strategies students can use to reduce the amount of cyberbully attacks. These strategies could help save a student’s life in the future.
            The seventh slide is a pledge that students will take after viewing the Powtoon. Students will vow to report cyberbullying, as well as vowing to not participate in cyberbullying of other students. Students will be excited to keep up their vow, and cyberbullying meetings will be held throughout the school year.
            The idea behind the Powtoon is to inform students of the dangers of cyberbullying, and showing students they are not alone in the struggle. The main take away from this Powtoon is for students to seek help in these situations, while showing the long lasting effects of cyberbullying. I also want possible cyberbullies to be aware of their actions, and how their attacks affect the lives of their peers. Above all, I want students to be aware of cyberbullying, urging students to be kind to one another, both in person and online. I hope to offer information, while keeping students engaged and interested in the topic. This is why I’ve included an opportunity for students to create a skit in a small group. I believe students will gain insight into cyberbullying, and that this presentation will have a positive affect on student’s lives.

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