Sunday, January 27, 2019

ITL 516 3rd Grade Learning Map

YOUR TARGET: Standard, Goals & Outcomes

Teacher:   Grade/Subject: Grade 3/Math
Part 1: My Standards, Goals and Outcomes
Academic Standards:
Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
Students practice their knowledge of rounding numbers to the nearest ten using rounding methods. Students will work on completing online worksheets in small groups, then take turns sharing answers in a whole- group discussion. Students will use a ‘rounding coaster” as a visual aid in rounding numbers to nearest 10. Students will also use a self-made number line (made out of pipe cleaners and buttons) to aid in rounding numbers.


Essential Questions:
How to know to round up or down?
What does rounding mean?
How can I check my answer?
What is the ten place?
Students are able to correctly round a number up or down in the tens place.
Students use a number line to check and verify their answers
Students can successfully round up and down in the tens place.
Students can successfully use a number line as a mathematical tool.

Student Learning Goal: (I can…)
I can use information given to me to determine whether or not the number in the tens place will be rounded up or down. I can use a number line to aid in my decision to round up or down, and use the number line to check my answers. I can refer to the rounding coaster to check my answers, and ensure I am using rounding rules correctly.
Student Social-emotional Goal:
Students will be able to work in groups, and develop team working skills and strategies. Students learn how listen to other’s opinions and answers, and respectfully communicate.

Barriers to learning:
This assignment may be difficult for students who are struggling with place values. Students who struggle with using a number line may also have difficulties. Students may struggle with rounding, if unaware of the rules of rounding (5 or more, round up; 4 or less, round down)
Students who are ELL may struggle with the vocabulary words in the assignment.
Students will special education needs may have trouble maintaining focus during the assignment.

Common Misconceptions:
Students may be confused on the rounding rules, and will make mistakes off incorrect information. Students may not have prior knowledge in this subject, and may struggle with the assignment. Students may struggle with knowing hundreds, tens, and ones place.

Part 2: My Class: (Based on Week 1 Case Studies; Briefly discuss the whole class and then discuss the 3 students you have selected (IEP, ELL and student with emotional needs) Discuss the assets and needs for your students and the three learners).
My Classroom Composite:

There are a total of ten students in the classroom. On the previously given assessment, results showed that many students did not fully grasp the concepts needed to successfully complete the assignment. Students will need to be retaught rounding rules, and there will need to be more visual and kinesthetic elements available for students to utilize. After this lesson, students will have a better understanding of how to round
There are several students who require extra guidance when completing assignments.
Fabiola is relatively new to America, and has not mastered English (this creates difficulty in the classroom.) Tate is easily distracted, and can distract the entire class at times. He works best in a kinesthetic learning environment. James’ home life is less than desirable; this causes him to miss a large number of school days. The time he misses in the classroom contributes to his inability to excel in the math material. However, he is quick to catch onto new concepts, and does great in school when present.


Multiple Means of Representation
(Modeling & Practice)

How will the content be presented/shared in multiple ways to highlight critical features, represent different formats, media types, and cultural diversity?  How will you monitor and assess understanding of representation?

Students will complete worksheets online in small groups, after watching a short video touching on important concepts for rounding to the tens place. Then, students will share out answers in a whole group.
Kinesthetic: students use a number line made from pipe cleaners and buttons to symbolize the given number they must round. Students physically move the buttons on the number line.
Visual: Students watch a short video recapping important vocabulary, and visually showing students how to round up and down in respect to the tens place. Students will use the rounding coaster poster to help aid in rounding numbers.
Auditory: Students learn “5 and up, round up” “4 and down, round down” which they may say out loud/in their head, while rounding numbers.
I will continuously move throughout the classroom to check for understanding, and offer support when needed.
Multiple Means of Engagement
How will students engage in the process of new learning? How will the content become accessible, meaningful, and relevant to the learner?  How will you monitor and assess this process?

Students will work at a group to complete the assignment; each student will hold a responsibility to the group. Students find meaning in the group, and understand they must work as a unit in order to succeed. Students will use newfound knowledge throughout the week, in various tasks, and the rules of rounding will be posted on the wall. Exit tickets will be collected at the end of class, I will verify who understands the concept, and who needs intervention.
Multiple means of Expression[1]
(practice & assessment)
What principles of choice for the product of learning will you accept?  How will you provide a space for communication, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration (4 C’s)?
Which measures will you use to assess products of learning?

Students will be given the opportunity to create their own exit ticket on rounding numbers. Students can use digital media or paper to complete the exit ticket. Students showcase their knowledge of rounding to the tens place.
Communication: students effectively communicate in whole and small group discussions
Creativity: students create their own, individual exit ticket
Critical thinking: students create an exit ticket
Collaboration: small group formation to complete online worksheets.
Managing the Classroom Environment

How will you manage the classroom/setting so successfully through instructional stages, and student groupings? How will you create an optimal learning environment (space, time, pacing, interactions, expectations, assessment)?

I will continue to rotate throughout the classroom, offering support when needed. Students will be aware of classroom expectations of small group and whole group work. Students will be redirected to remain on task when necessary. Students are aware of consequences for becoming off task.



Students will first watch a short video introducing Rounding Numbers. After the video, students will be broken into groups of 3. Students will work in these small groups to complete a series of Rounding Numbers worksheets, using self made number lines to check their answers. The class will come together in a whole group to share answers, and students will lead a discussion. Lastly, students will complete exit tickets (using a method of their choosing) to showcase their understanding of the math concept, Rounding Numbers.


Students will use:
Rounding Numbers instructional video
Exit tickets
Number lines

I will circulate throughout the class, reviewing students’ answers, scaffolding when necessary, and offering support. Exit tickets will be used to monitor student comprehension.


ELL Students

I will introduce new vocabulary with pictures to ELL students. These students will work with fluent English speakers who model the English language

IEP Students/Learning disabilities

Students with attention disorders will be given short breaks in between activities. Students will be able to self-monitor when a break is needed, and return to work when see fit.
I will closely monitor students who need extra guidance, and I will assist throughout the class period, offering direction, and scaffolding when needed.

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