Wednesday, February 6, 2019

ITL 518 Learning Map

YOUR TARGET: Standard, Goals & Outcomes

Teacher:__________Ms. Kuiper___        Grade/Subject: ____Kindergarten Science

TARGET: Unpack Your Standard
Part 1: My Standards, Goals and Outcomes
Academic Standards: STATE YOUR STANDARD

Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. 

Big Questions (Questions to frame student learning)

What is weather?
How can we tell what the weather is outside?
What is the weather like when the sun is out?
What is the weather like when it is cloudy?

Knowledge (Concepts to be understood and applied)

Students will gain knowledge of weather (sunny, rainy, cloudy, cold, hot)
Students will understand that it is colder in the morning and night, and warmer in the afternoon (usually)
Students will be able to predict what the weather will be like based on prior weather.
Skills (what you will explicitly teach)

I will teach students how to forecast upcoming weather.
I will teach students what weather is.
I will teach students to know the difference between hot and cold weather (sun, clouds, rain, snow, wind)

Students will learn what weather is, and by the end of the lesson, students will be able to successfully predict a weather pattern.

Student Social-emotional Goal (LEARNER):
This lesson will give students many opportunities to participate in whole group and small group instruction. Students will gain confidence in working in groups, and successfully participate in group settings.

Barriers to learning (LEARNER): (level of literacy; language proficiency levels;  funds of knowledge; attention span)
Learners may have trouble focusing at times, as there will be many days where students are outside observing weather. Students at this age may not have any previous knowledge related to weather. Students may be language deficient, and there will need to be an introductory unit to the lesson.

Common Misconceptions (LEARNER & TARGET): (Subject-matter specific; Related to academic standard; Knowledge gaps; Student confusion; multiple meanings; cultural differences; misunderstand)

Students may not be familiar with weather, so an introductory unit will need to be explained to the students. Students may not be familiar with colder weather (snow, rain, ice, wind.) Students may not be able to associate hot and cold weather.

Part 2: My Class
My Classroom Composite: (TEACHER & LEARNER)   Whole group (Broad needs of students; observable patterns & trends; language and literacy subgroups; digital/technology fluency; emotional regulation)
Your class is comprised of 23 students 13 boys and 10 girls.  Three of your students are extremely bright and school is easy for them.  The majority of your students speak good English (6) have passed the CELDT test and 3 are still ELL learners. Two students are on an IEP, one is at grade level but has a diagnosis of Autism (mild).  the other student has ADHD and learning disabilities.

What vocabulary words demand attention & are related to our big idea?


Sentence Frames:

Emerging: I saw that________.

Expanding: The weather today is _____.

 Bridging: Today the weather was ____ so tomorrow the weather will probably be ______.


 (multiple means of engagement)
A majority of the observation for this lesson will be conducted outside. I will ask open ended questions to the students to ensure they are on track and focused. Students will draw what they observed once we get back into the classroom.
Students will be using visual, auditory, and kinesthetic components to complete observations.
(multiple means of action)

There will be a whole group discussion lead before going outside each day. (Yesterday the weather was?)
Students will be outside ‘exploring’ weather conditions.
Students will draw what they have observed (what did you see today?
Students will make predictions (what do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?)
There will be a thermometer outside of the classroom, as a class, we will observe the temperature when students arrive at school, and right before students leave to go home.
(multiple means of expression)
When introducing the unit, I will first ask students to share what thy think weather is. Using the ripple strategy, students will first create an individual response, then talk in partners, then volunteers will share out responses for the whole class.
When outside observing the weather, I will ask students what they think the weather is, how do we know?
Once back inside, we will have another discussion on what we observed, what the weather was like, what will the weather be like tomorrow, and how do we know. Students will draw a picture of what they observed today.
Was the weather different today than yesterday?
What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Has anyone seen this type of weather before?
(Multiple means of expression)
Instead of just knowing if it is hot or cold, students will know if it is raining, snowing, windy.
Students will gain an understanding of different temperatures throughout the day (use of thermometer)
The introductory unit will go over all weather terminology that will be used for our observations.  Students will use this vocabulary when discussing the observations.
Students will make predictions of what the weather will be like the next day.
Students gain understanding of why it is important to pay attention to the weather (storms, what to wear to school, playing outside)

EVALUATION (Multiple Means of Representation
(    modeling  & practice)

Students will be prompted to make predictions of the following day’s weather. By the end of the unit, students should be able to make an accurate prediction.
Students’ use of vocabulary will also assess student’s achievement of the lesson’s objective.
Students will be guided through inquiry prompts and given opportunities to showcase their knowledge of weather.

(*Questions of Inquiry: Open-ended)


Daily instruction will become repetitive. Students will get in the routine of checking the thermometer outside of the classroom, and going outside to check the weather. Students will gain knowledge of how to discover weather patterns and showcase their knowledge.


Students will first participate in a whole group discussion talking about weather. (what is weather? How can we tell what the different types of weather are? What is your favorite type of weather?)
Students will watch a YouTube video about weather:

Then, we will go outside to observe the weather of the day.
Students will also observe the temperature on the thermometer outside of the classroom (check twice a day: in the morning, in the afternoon)

When we get back into the classroom, in a whole group, students will brain storm “what is the weather today?” (using pictures)

Students will then draw a picture of what the weather was for the day, and predict what they think the weather will be like tomorrow.




I will assess student learning by observation, monitoring individual student participation, and collection of a work sample. Students will participate in creating a picture graph of their weather observations. I will draw pictures on the whiteboard of the students’ observations and leave them up so students have a visual aid to help them draw their own picture.

Accommodations/Adaptations/Intervention (Teacher, Learner, Instruction, Management)
You have 3 ELL students and 2 students on an IEP, one of those students is academically on level but has a diagnosis of autism (mild). The other student has ADHD and learning disabilities.

Group your students that have similar learning challenges and plan appropriate accommodations or adaptations to meet their needs. 

In order to promote more engagement among my 3 ELL students, I will group them with other students who may be bilingual (if I am fortunate to have bilingual students). I could also pair the ELL students with more outgoing, verbal students who would be more inclusive. The ADHD student who has an IEP will be paired with student(s) who have a calm demeanor. This student will require appropriate prompting and redirection to keep him/her focused and on task. To accommodate the mild autistic special education student, I will provide a visual schedule to keep this student engaged and on task. When we are outside doing observations, we will talk about what we see and the students with special needs will have additional prompting and checking for understanding. When we go back into the classroom, I will have the student’s pair-share ideas before having a group discussion. The visual aid (pictures with word labels) on the whiteboard will help the ELL, IEP, and general education students formulate their weather picture. As students are working, I will circulate the room paying extra attention to my exceptional learners. The ADHD student will be offered the opportunity to draw while standing or move to a less distracting location within the room. The ELL students will be grouped with students who can share their picture ideas, and the autistic student may need an area with little student interaction and few sensory distractions (window, lights, and sound).

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